About the Incentive Travel Council (ITC)

How can any organization stay ahead of the game and ensure they’re optimizing what can be achieved through effective incentive travel programs? Incentive Travel initiatives have proven themselves to be a tremendous and valued asset by assisting organizations in achieving business performance objectives. However, maintaining and growing the motivational drive achieved from participants will always remain a challenge. Competition, increasing audience expectations, diversity, and legislative pressures, are but a few of the influencers impacting the performance of these initiatives.

"The addition of the Incentive Travel Council will further assist promoting individual incentive travel products to the incentive industry. This type of strategic industry group will help all travel companies communicate the benefits of travel in incentive programs."
        - Peter Friend, Founder & CEO, Global Hotel Card By Expedia

The Incentive Travel Council is focused on helping organizations better understand how they can continue to grow business performance through reward and recognition travel. Our main objectives are to explore, promote and educate on:

  • How reward and recognition travel initiatives can be effectively used to benefit business performance
  • Strategies to improve or establish programs based upon needs and objectives
  • Industry activism in order to voice opinion on how legal and industry regulatory issues influence the performance of travel incentives

"Maritz is proud to contribute to the IMA -- the premier educator and information source to professionals in the incentive marketplace. Our missions run parallel as we collectively work to promote the utilization of performance management and measurement tools to advance the effective use of incentives and recognition throughout the global workforce. By sharing information and ideas, we are working to elevate our industry with the highest standards of professionalism."
        -Christine Duffy, president and CEO of Maritz Travel Company

Contact ITC

info@incentivemarketing.org | +1 (952) 928-4649 | 4248 Park Glen Road | Minneapolis, MN 55416